Train with other professional candidates from around the world and prepare for tryouts. We include representation at professional combines, invitational only, and private sessions for professional team.
- Affiliation with professional teams.
- Preparation prior to tryouts
- Profile Creation
- Pre Injury Screening
- Functional Movement Screening
- Physical Evaluation
- Sports Psychology Testing
- Counciling
- Contract Assistance
Train with other college candidates from around the world and prepare for tryouts. We include representation at college ID campscombines, invitational only and showcases for college programs in the U.S.
- Year round trainig at home country/region. (Select locations)
- Preparation leading up to a tryout
- On site presence at tryouts and evaluations
- Profile creation
- Direct connection to colleges
- Placemennt
- Scholarships
College Placement Program
Next Dates:
June 25-July 1, 2016
Click HERE for more Info